Friday, February 21, 2020

Lifelong Learner

The phrase "lifelong learner" is a part of the mission statement of thousands of schools. And while overused, I certainly understand the reason why. More important than learning basic skills and content, we desire for our students to learn far beyond those formal years of education. This is an intrinsic motivation for some of our students; an acquired taste for others. However, let us not lose sight of the fact that we, adults and educators, must practice what we preach. We must model what it looks like to be lifelong learners. Lucky at PVES, our teachers have made a habit of doing just that. 

What a week!

Our Monday Professional Development Day offered an opportunity for our teachers to learn. We focused on the mini-lesson component of our reading block. We know that improving the quality of our mini-lesson means adding more rigor to our instruction. We challenged teachers to take this learning with them to the classroom and make some changes. We look forward to seeing those in action as we pop in classrooms. A special thank you to Mrs. Scarborough for sharing her presentation with us as well! 

Our grade level teams were able to further their learning even more this past week as they visited Hunt Meadows to participate in PD with the famed Lindsay Reyes. Teachers were able to "practice" their learning. There is no doubt these opportunities to learn and grow empower our educators. We are proud of our teachers for attending, learning and growing! 

5th grade's Fractions Celebration was a huge hit and was well attended by parents. I'll certainly admit I had to continue my learning when posed with various problems involving fractions! Great job 5th grade teachers and students! 

I hope everyone survived the great blizzard of 2020! And while there was no snow to enjoy on Friday, we did finally get to implement an eLearning Day in ASD1 (and mental health day). It was wonderful to see the pictures of our teachers and students still engaged in learning on a day off from school. We know how hard our teachers worked to make this possible. We look forward to receiving feedback from you!

I have to give third grade a "shout out" in the blog because their collaborative time on Thursday was well spent. They engaged in great discussion and learned from one another. And to top it all off, they planned for a response day in which they shared students. Remember our commitment that we teach "our" students...not "my" students? Great job, 3rd grade!

Monday OLWEUS Class Meetings:
Homerooms are reminded that we will have our regular classroom meetings on Monday morning during PRIDE Time as part of our OLWEUS program. Remember, if you are not present on a Monday, your sub will not engage in OLWEUS time given that they are not trained to do so. Next Monday, March 2nd we will roll out our STOPIT bullying application. More information will be emailed to you later this week.

Student Surveys:
As discussed last Monday, Mrs. Tollison and Mr. Moore will be coming around to all home rooms in the next week and a half to administer the student survey that counts as a portion of our school report card score. See the schedule below. When we arrive, we will take about 15 minutes of your class time to complete the survey. You are free to take a restroom break and grab some coffee. You can help by making sure students have iPads ready to scan a QR code and talking to them in a positive way about their opportunity to share how great our school is on the survey!

  • 5th Grade Classrooms - Wednesday, February 26th from 8:45 - 11:15 A.M.
  • 4th Grade Classrooms - Friday, February 28th from 8:45 - 11:15 A.M.
  • 3rd Grade Classrooms - Monday, March 2nd from 8:45 - 11:15 A.M. 
PTSO Events:
Our February Skate Night is scheduled for Thursday, February 27th from 6-8 P.M. at Roller Time Family Skate Center in Piedmont. Admission is $4.00. We would love to see teachers there to support this event. Our Father/Daughter Dance is now scheduled for Friday, February 28th from 6:30-8:30 P.M. We have over 415 signed up thus far! 

PVES Teams in Competition:
Thursday is a big day for some of our students. 5th grade teams will compete a Spearman in the Jet Toy Car competition. 4th grade teams will compete at the YMCA in the Cardboard Regatta competition. We wish these students the very best of luck. Thanks to Mrs. Hughes for wearing many hats while preparing these students for competition! 

Moore's Musings:
  • Grade level teams worked this past Monday or completing their post-assessment for teacher SLOs. All teachers who have a SLO should plan to have their post-assessment data in by Friday, April 3rd. We must meet with all teachers completing a SLO/GBE by Monday, April 27th to take care of your end-of-year meeting in SCLead. 
  • Mrs. Tollison and Mr. Moore will be observing teachers over the next two to three weeks who are going through formal evaluation this year. 
  • We will have a Fire Drill this week. It is currently scheduled for Thursday, but we will see what the weather has in store for us. 
  • Please continue to help students record their 5 books for the Reading All Stars Program as we inch closer to 100% participation. 
Mark Your Calendar (MYCs):
  • Team 6 Patrols Begin - 2/24
  • Teacher Cadets Observe in some 4th grade classes - 2/26
  • 5th grade student surveys - 2/26 from 8:45-11:15 A.M.
  • Grade Level Planning - 2/26 after school
  • NO Live PD - 2/26
  • Fire Drill - 2/27
  • Cardboard Regatta - 2/27
  • Jet Toy Car Competition - 2/27
  • Robotics Club - 2/27 after school
  • Skate Night - 2/27 from 6-8 P.M.
  • SIC Meeting - 2/28 at 7:20 AM
  • Father/Daughter Dance - 2/28 from 6:30-8:30 P.M.

Video of the Week:

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