Sunday, January 12, 2020

Great Teams

Powdersville Elementary is a great place to work and it is because of the folks who make up our great team. I hope you will take some time to reflect on these "proven principles and practices that make great teams great." I believe if we commit to these principles we will continue to achieve greatness and success for our students and community! 

A look at what is happening around PVES...

Third grade writers work in partners to rehearse their ideas and plans before they write their opinions. 

The third grade writers work in partners to find evidence to support their thoughts and opinions during writing workshop. 

Fifth grade students immersed themselves into some writing expectations for their upcoming unit. They are doing a gallery walk as they explore some mentor text to find how other writers present their claims, reasons, and evidence. 

Students worked in teams on Thriving Thursdays with Nurse Cynthia as she does her Jeopardy review of all the information they have learned so far this year. 

We ended our staff meeting with celebrations in partners. We challenged you to think of one great thing about your day, one great conversation, accomplishment, the thing that made you smile, or the win you are most proud of. Focus on your success and you'll look forward to creating more tomorrow. (Jon Gordon) What a great practice to begin with your team!

End of the Nine Weeks Timeline: The end of the nine weeks is on Tuesday, January 14th. Grades are due January 15th before you leave for the day. Verifications will be printed on January 16th and are due back on January 17th before leaving. Report cards will be printed on January 21st and sent home on January 23rd. Remember to request the white copy to be signed and returned back to school. Conduct comments should be included under the homeroom section for all homeroom teachers. 

Pride Practice Ceremony: Names for our next Pride Practice Ceremony should be submitted to Ms. Kendall using THIS FORM by Wednesday, January 15th. We will celebrate students for being innovative. Certificates for the ceremony must be completed by Friday, January 17th before you leave for the day. Completed certificates are due in our shared folder. Please include both students in the same document for printing purposes. Finally, the actual ceremony will take place on Wednesday, January 22nd in the MP Room. We will call for classes to come down.
4th Grade- 8:15 am
3rd Grade- 9:15 am
5th Grade- 10:15 am

House Points and Celebrations: Monday, January 13th is our final day to count and include all of the second nine week's house points. A winner will be decided at the end of the day (1/13) at 4:30 pm. On Tuesday, January 14th Pride Rock will be painted for the overall second nine weeks winning house. The winning house will enjoy snowcones, music, and lunch outside on Wednesday, January 15th. Teachers, we ask that you have students from the winning house go ahead get their lunches. Then, they can head to the courtyard during their regularly scheduled lunchtime on Wednesday. Teachers can pick them up on your way back from lunch. This is weather permitted.

Professional Development Day: See the graphic below for our agenda for Friday's PD Day for teachers. 

Tollison's Tidings:
  • Our revised duty schedule can be found HERE. Remember that homeroom teacher are expected to participate in grade level planning on Wednesdays at 2:45. Please email Mr. Moore or Mrs. Tollison to let us know where these planning sessions will take place.  This is different from your collaborative team time on Thursdays. Please let us know if you have any questions. 
  • All teachers and staff are reminded to turn off lights and lamps before you leave for the day. 
  • If you missed our staff meeting on Wednesday of last week, be sure you have taken the time to review this presentation
  • Our "Thank You" luncheon for the second nine weeks will take place on Wednesday, January 15th. We will cover the cafeteria and host a lunch for teachers and staff in the strings room. We hope you enjoy a jeans day and your lunch from Moes!
Mark Your Calendar (MYC):
  • 1/13 RTI Meeting @ 2:45
  • 1/13 PVES Ambassadors Meeting @ 2:45
  • 1/14 Papa Johns Dollars for Dough
  • 1/15 Papa Johns Dollars for Dough
  • 1/16 Robotics Club @ 2:45
  • 1/17 Winter F&P Leveling Due 

Video of the Week: Great teams focus on their vision despite their circumstances. 

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