Sunday, February 10, 2019


As the quote from Stephen Covey suggests, Powdersville Elementary School draws its strength from the many differences existing within our building. offers the following definition for the word: distinguishing characteristic; distinctive quality, feature, etcHave you ever stopped to ponder this? We work in a high stress environment; 55 adults from different backgrounds. That means 55 belief systems, perspectives and feelings are in motion each and everyday. To further complicate the matter, we work with 630 different students. Again, just stop to consider the differences in play within a single classroom. I would imagine that such differences would be a major stumbling block for schools rendered unsuccessful. For our school, differences are a strength - a means to an end. We celebrate different ideas, opinions and feelings. As a matter of fact, differences allow us to acknowledge our shortcomings and work together, through collaboration and sharing a common vision, to reach our next level. The road to continuous improvement is paved through this idea of embracing differences to provide a blueprint for a common vision for success. The next time you are working with a difficult student or parent, the next time you are in a PLC and frustration arises, the next time a roadblock is created that seems to threaten our progress .... embrace our differences. Spend more time considering the thoughts and feelings of others. Carefully craft your words in response. Remember that we are all on the same team and all share the common vision to reach a next level that separates us from all the others. 

When the fire alarm sounds at dismissal, panic tends to set in. 26 different home rooms in the building may react differently and havoc rules might rule the day. However, at PVES, we worked together, stuck with the process and managed just fine. I could not be more proud of our faculty and staff with how this emergency was handled. Communication was effective, children were supervised and everyone did his or her part to get us through the crisis. Thank you!

Congrats to Mrs. Gibson's Jet Toy Car team. They finished 2nd in the district and now move on to regional competition. If you look at the picture above, I am impressed that a team of students with such different backgrounds was able to work together to be successful in this competition. Indeed, we often learn from our students. 

Thanks to Thomas McAuliff for leading a breakout session with some of our 5th graders as a grammar review. Thomas is always willing to work with students and teachers and offer a different perspective so that we might better implement the technology we have in our possession to make learning fun and collaborative. 

I have thoroughly enjoyed our Powdersville Pizzeria and school-wide focus on fractions. Though each grade level is at a different place and, of course, focusing on different standards, it is awesome to see common areas in our building used for learning. We should remember this with other major units of instruction. Great job everyone!

 Speaking of differences, I can think of no better platform to highlight differences and how they can become our strengths than our OLWEUS class meetings. Students in Mrs. McGaha's homeroom discussed the power of standing up for others even when we might have to stand alone. Such a powerful message for students on a Monday morning. Perhaps we might learn from this experience as well. 

There is nothing like winning your House competition and receiving free ice cream in the cafeteria. Each House is different, but we all bond together to live out our Pride Practices and show off our #pvespride! 

We were thrilled to have the opportunity to celebrate Ms. Tammy Lee as part of School Counselor's Appreciation Week. The kind remarks, cards and attention were greatly appreciated. Ms. Lee helps us realize that while differences exist, they should never divide. Thanks for all you do, Ms. Lee!

Inside joke exposed in this picture - Mr. Moore bought Ms. Lee lunch at the Smokin' Pig on Friday and the other ladies in the office greeted Mr. Moore after car duty with  signs reading "will work for Smokin' Pig". Three different employees, all willing to work for a common goal! In all seriousness, we all work for a common goal: our students! Let us never lose sight of this. 

It is now time for students to take the OLWEUS survey. Mrs. Tollison will provide student usernames and passwords in your teacher box Monday morning. Students will use the following website to access the survey: The first set of letter/number combinations is the username. The second is the password. 4th and 5th grade are asked to allow students to complete the survey during OLWEUS time on Monday morning. 3rd grade has parents visiting classrooms during this time so they will need to provide a time before the end of the day on Monday for students to complete the survey. If you have an absent student, you may give them an opportunity to complete the survey by Friday afternoon. Please let us know if you have any questions. Any time remaining during PRIDE Time after surveys are completed can be spent in class meetings. 

Live PD:
We do have a LIVE PD event scheduled for this Wednesday, February 13th. This event is for all faculty and staff of PVES. I will not be sharing an agenda with you. We will be sharing additional information, as needed, prior to Wednesday. We will plan to meet in the media center and begin promptly at 3:15 PM. 

SLO/GBE Mid-Year Conferences:
It is now time for us to meet with all teachers who have a SLO or GBE as part of their evaluation. The mid-year conference is designed to give us an opportunity to check in on your progress and answer any questions/discuss any concerns. The conference itself should last no more than 10-15 minutes. You will meet with your evaluator, meaning Mrs. Tollison or Mr. Moore. You were assigned a lead evaluator earlier in the year in the website. Please use the calendars linked below to schedule a time this week for your mid-conference meetings. Please bring your laptop and be able to log into the SCLead website.

Greenville Drive Reading All Stars Program:
We are excited to announce the kick-off of the Reading All Stars program sponsored by the Greenville Drive. Our school has had tremendous participation in the past and we need your help to ensure that this once again is the case. The program kicks off Monday, February 11th and runs through Friday, March 15th. During this time period, students must read 5 books and log them on the form that will be placed in your teacher box on Monday. In the past, we have had plenty of success assisting students with completing the required reading and logging this on the form. While students should be encouraged to do this at home, please make extra copies of the form and have them on hand in the classroom for students who do not seem to be able to get this done at home. Our goal is 100% and this can be done with teacher help. Please show this quick video to students on Monday morning after ROAR Report. Talk through the program with them and help kick this program off on a positive note. Make sure you share this information with parents via SeeSaw each week as a reminder. What do students receive if they read the 5 books?:
  • A free ticket voucher to the celebration game on Sunday, May 5th at 3 PM.
  • Access to the field prior to the game during the parade.
  • A free t-shirt at the game.
  • A free book of their choice at the game.
  • Additionally, some students are selected to participate in on-field events before and during the game.

Valentine's Day Plan:
As you know, Thursday is Valentine's Day. Room mothers will be bringing treat bags by this week. These treat bags are to be passed out at the end of the day on Thursday. There are no parties scheduled for Thursday. In addition to treat bags, some students and staff will be receiving Cookie Grams on Thursday. PTSO sold over 500 of these and all proceeds go toward Teacher Appreciation Week later this year! PTSO will pass these out to classroom teachers and teachers are asked to simply pass these out with treat bags at the end of the day. Thanks for your help with this! 

Fractions Celebrations:
Each grade level has parents visiting classrooms at some point this week as a culmination to our fractions units of study. These dates/times are listed below. Parents will be asked to sign in through the front lobby area and wait until dismissed to classrooms. Mrs. Tollison is working on a "ticket" that they can use to present to a teacher of staff member upon request as an additional safety measure. Teachers, please communicate this process to your parents. At the conclusion of our activity, please dismiss parents from the classroom in a timely manner so we can continue with our normal schedule. 
  • 3rd grade - Monday, February 11th - 8:10-8:40 A.M.
  • 4th grade - Friday, February 15th - 12:55-1:40 P.M. and 1:40-2:25 P.M.
  • 5th grade - Wednesday, February 13th - 8:50-9:20 AM and 9:50-10:20 AM

Moore's Musings:
Let your voices be heard. You now have an opportunity to provide feedback to state leaders in several ways. Fist of all, click on the link below and provide feedback regarding any testing that you would like to see eliminated (i.e. Social Studies and Science).

Additionally, click on the link below and provide any feedback you would like regarding education reform to our state legislature. Please include a note that you want them to "fully fund the base student cost" which would mean major assistance for our district! 

Mark Your Calendar (MYC):
  • 2/11 - OLWEUS Survey Completed by Students
  • 2/11 - Greenville Drive Reading All Stars Kick-Off
  • 2/11 - Running Club Begins
  • 2/11 - 3rd Grade Fractions Celebration
  • 2/12 & 2/13 - Papa Johns "Dollars for Dough"
  • 2/12 - 3rd Grade Launch Field Trip
  • 2/13 - 5th Grade Fractions Celebration 
  • 2/13 - Progress Report Folders 
  • 2/13 - Live PD for all Staff in Media Center at 3:15 P.M.
  • 2/14 - Treat Bags and Cookie Grams (end of day)
  • 2/15 - 4th Grade Fractions Celebration 
  • 2/18 - PD Day (No Students) - This is a comp day earned during summer. If you did not attend summer PD, you must submit the day in Absence Manager or attend district PD. 

Video of the Week: A Different Take on Difference - Make a Difference 

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