Saturday, March 17, 2018


This time of year is stress-filled and chaotic for teachers and students. We will soon be at the height of test preparation while managing a very busy calendar. This balancing act takes it toll on a school. Only a building with a strong culture can withstand the constant barrage of expectations and demands. My challenge to all of us in wake of our yearly pursuit of high test scores and improvement: Rise up. defines rising as the act of getting up after calling or being thrown down. We are continuously knocked down; only to be expected to pick ourselves up dust ourselves off. What an incredible message we can send to the students in our classrooms! In the face of adversity and difficult circumstances, we can rise. Rise with positive attitudes, teamwork, and determination (The D in PRIDE). Perhaps we are ordinary people with great challenges as the graphic above suggests, but together we will rise to new heights. So, when that parent just wants to be difficult, that student just doesn't get it, and that day just won't seem to end ... remember to rise. It's what we do at PVES and it is what makes us different.

There are such great things happening at PVES ...

It was wonderful to see our school celebrate the culmination of our Powdersville Pizzeria and fraction units of study. These school and classroom transformations are made possible by many of you who go that extra mile and are evidence of our willingness to rise up for our students. 

Some teachers get here early and work with students before the bell rings. Others spend their planning period working with students from another grade level by listening to their TDA presentations and providing feedback to them. Regardless, I would challenge you to consider how you rise up to meet the needs in our building each day. 

Our PTSO has been tremendous for us this year and the Mother/Son event this week was further evidence of their "rising up" for our school community. We are made stronger when our community comes together for the purpose of loving our school and our students. 

Reading coaches and Jennifer Brown observed our third grade teachers and then offered them feedback this week. Then, all teacher of reading met with Kelle Martin to continue setting goals for some of our readers who need that extra push. Both are examples of our teachers willing to rise by being lifelong learners and having the desire to get better. 

The 4th grade field trip to Charleston was a huge success. This took a great deal of planning and effort by the 4th grade team, but the results are obvious. Our students benefit when we rise up and give them opportunities they have never received before. 

Early Act First Knight Ceremonies:
Our Early Act First Knight ceremonies for the 3rd 9 week period will be held on Monday, March 19th. Our goal is to recognize and celebrate our students by reading their accolades and asking them to come to the stage to be greeted by the knight. I will recognize our guests and read the definition for each virtue. Our virtues for this nine week period are courage and determination. The schedule for Monday is as follows:
  • 12:05 P.M. - Grade 3
  • 12:50 P.M. - Grade 4
  • 1:35 P.M. - Grade 5

MAP Testing:
Spring MAP Testing begins this week. Please refer to our MAP help/info sheet and the student goal setting sheet for assistance. It is imperative that our students understand the need to take their time and do their best work. We will use the data collected from MAP, not only for SLOs, but to assist us in planning for our test testing preparations. Please proceed with PRIDE Time during your scheduled MAP sessions and start testing by 8:45 A.M. I would suggest 10:15 as a logical stop time (1 1/2 hours), but you can ultimately decide for your class. The MAP login was sent out as a "webclip" for NWEA MAP some weeks ago by our technology staff. However, you can also locate the log in by using this link. Pop-ups will need to be allowed (Go to Settings>Safari>Block Pop-ups - Turn this toggle switch off). 4th grade and 5th grade teachers, please decide on a day to keep iPads at school and notify parents through clear communication. While iPads are at school, make sure parents are still connected to the classroom and send iPads home as soon as testing has been completed. 
  • 3/19 - 3rd ELA
  • 3/20 - 3rd Math
  • 3/21 - 4th ELA
  • 3/22 - 4th Math

Live PD:
After several weeks off, our next Live PD sessions are scheduled for Wednesday, March 21st. Please read the agenda for the afternoon carefully. We will meet together as a faculty for 10 minutes in the media center at 3:15 before dividing into two groups and continuing our 4.0 Rubric training for all certified staff. This is required for all certified personnel per the district office.

We will hold our next round of OLWEUS class meetings on Monday, March 19th during PRIDE Time. We will complete Lesson 6: Bullying Rules Round-Up as we ensure that our students understand our school rules against bullying behaviors. You can always refer to our shared folder for information. We will discuss our "next steps"  in the Live PD opening session on Wednesday. Mrs. Tollison and I always look forward to popping into classrooms and hearing the very rich discussion taking place.

Spring Pictures:
Spring pictures will be taken Thursday and Friday this week. On Thursday, March 22nd 3rd grade classrooms and 5th grade classrooms will have Spring pictures taken. On Friday, March 23rd 4th grade classrooms and Ms. Marino's class will have Spring pictures taken. As always, please line students up tallest to shortest and be prepared to get them through the picture line as quickly and quietly as possible. This week, we will take Spring pictures in the media center (side opposite from the circulation desk). We will begin calling classes at the tail end of PRIDE Time on both days. Students who are participating in Lion King will be at Cedar Grove on Friday, March 23rd in the morning, but should return by 10:30. We will take their pictures when they return (if they are grade 4 or 5).

Moore's Musings:
Thank you for making hallway behavior a focus these past few weeks. Behavior in the cafeteria during breakfast has also improved dramatically thanks to Mrs. Redmon's idea and leadership! It is certainly amazing how students will rise to meet our expectations when we make them known and demand the best from them.

Congratulations to Mr. Binnicker for being named ASD1 superintendent beginning the 18-19 school year. I am excited about he direction of our school and our district. He will support our efforts for continuous improvement and lead our district well.

Finally, let's make sure we have supervision and safety at the forefront of our thoughts these next two weeks. We simply can't let our guards down. This is a crucial two week period. If students feel like we are not taking these days seriously, they will shut it down early as well. Keep them engaged and let's have a productive ten days focused on student success!

Mark Your Calendar (MYC):

  • 3rd Grade ELA Map - 3/19
  • EAFK Ceremonies - 3/19
  • Running Club - 2:45 P.M. on 3/19
  • 3rd Grade Math MAP - 3/20
  • Fire Drill - 3/21
  • Progress Report Folders - 3/21
  • 4th Grade ELA MAP - 3/21
  • Live PD - 3:15 PM on 3/21
  • 4th Grade Math MAP - 3/22
  • Spring Pictures for 3rd and 5th - 3/22
  • Spring Pictures for 4th and Marino - 3/23
  • Sandra Goff PD- 3/23
  • Lion King Students to Cedar Grove - 3/23 at 8:15 A.M.
  • 5th Grade ELA MAP - 3/26
  • 5th Grade Math MAP - 2/27
  • End of 9 Week Period - 3/27

Video of the Week: 
"Do it a thousand times again"
"All we need is hope and for that we have each other"
"Move mountains"
"Rise unafraid" 

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