Sunday, February 25, 2018

Stay Positive!

Video of the Week: Jon Gordon- Stay Positive

I am choosing to switch things up a bit and start off this week's blog with our video of the week segment. This video is titled, Stay Positive. If you have ever read any of Jon Gordon's book you know he talks a lot about feeding the positive not the negative. We have reached the point of the school year when it is easy to let negativity creep up into our days and wear us down. It could be from a colleague's comment, a disrespectful student, an email from a parent, or a deadline presented. I myself have felt this way several times over the last two weeks. Things are busy. We have many demands on us all both professionally and personally. I do not know about you, but this spring-like weather and beautiful sunshine have been refreshing to my soul. We still have a ways to go and must continue pressing on for our students. We must remember, we have control over our own thoughts. We can decide whether we are going to remain positive during this busy season or let negativity bring us down.  So I challenge you during this demanding and often draining time of the school year to stay positive. Keep working hard and fighting negativity for the sake of our students and ourselves. 

Amazing things are happening at PVES...

These fifth graders represented our school so well at the district Jet Toy Car competition this year. Congratulations to Mrs. Thomas and her students who won the competition. We are so proud of all of our fifth graders for working hard, persisting, and continuing to learn through STEM. 

Our teachers continue to make learning exciting and fun for our students. I believe this positive approach to learning makes our students want to come to school and be engaged. Who knows what you might walk into each day in our classrooms! 

This past week our third graders participated in a TDA Half Pipe! They even got to hear from an Olympian, Sandi Morris, with a special message just for our PVES students. Thank you, third grade teachers for all your hard work. It was so much fun! 

Third graders also had visitors drop by their classrooms to share different perspectives of the people involved in the American Revolution. Students stopped what they were doing and listened as each visitor popped in and shared a monologue to provide information. What an interesting and fun way to present the standards! 

Mrs. Wayne continues to focus on her word for this year- fun! This week she transformed into DJ Wayne and her students participated in a Dance Party in math. Students danced while the music was playing. Once the music stopped all students sat down to solve a math problem. Mr. Moore and I had the opportunity to stop in and students were definitely having fun and completing some difficult math! Mr. White even joined in on the fun. Thank you, Mrs. Wayne, for adding this to our pineapple chart. Teachers, remember to add to our pineapple chart or drop by classrooms to check out the great things that are happening.

Fourth graders presented their PBL findings on severe weather to visitors in our community including WYFF 4's Chris Justus. It was very impressive to see our fourth graders' hard work on display. We are proud of all of their accomplishments and looking forward to more PBL in the future.

Math teachers participated in a cafe style Live PD session that focused on guided math. Thank you to our teachers who shared and presented. We continue to strive for excellence and develop our craft so our students can have positive learning take place.  

This past week we also celebrated our second nine week's virtues of compassion and tolerance. Our ceremonies are always such a special time to recognize our wonderful students. Parents appreciate this positive time to hear from our teachers.

Greenville Drive Reading All-Stars Program:
We are excited about the Greenville Drive Reading All-Stars Program beginning on Monday, February 12th and runs through March 16th. Information will be placed in teacher boxes to go home Monday. Please take time to encourage student participation in this program. Our goal is 100% participation. Reading between the lines; we can sign any reading log formed not signed by a parent. All students will receive a free t-shirt and voucher to the Drive game on Sunday, April 29th at 4:00 P.M. We would love to have a large group of teachers attend as well. Thanks for promoting literacy through this program! 

OLWEUS Program Continues:
Thank you to everyone for participating and supporting this bullying prevention program. Again, if we implement this with fidelity and show students we believe in changing our culture, they will buy in! Classroom meetings will occur on Monday mornings meaning our next meetings will take place during PRIDE Time on Monday, February 26th. Non-homeroom teachers will report to the room assigned to you by Mrs. Tollison unless you have spoken to us about a change. OLWEUS materials and lessons can be found in our shared folder. Homeroom teachers, if you will be out on a Monday, please make plans to do your meeting on the next day you return. If you have someone who reports to your room, you can make arrangements with them to conduct the meeting. Please feel free to take pictures and publicize this program via SeeSaw, Twitter, email blasts, etc. 

Good New Club Starts Monday! 
Good News Club will be shortened this year and is only being offered to students in 3rd grade. Mrs. Booth placed forms in third grade teacher boxes that should be sent home by Monday. Simply submit any forms brought back to school to the front office. Good News Club will be held in the PD Room on Mondays and meet on Mondays between February 26th - March 26th. 

No Running Club This Week:
There will be no Running Club Monday due to weather. Please make sure students are aware of this change. Mrs. Horn has sent out a Remind message to all those who have signed up. They will resume meeting the following Monday, weather permitting. 

Tollison's Tidings:
Please take a moment to remind students about appropriate uses of their devices, email, etc. If a student encounters something that is inappropriate, remind them of the proper steps to take such as telling a teacher or adult. Please remind them that it is not appropriate to share/show the image with classmates as this makes the situation worse and could result in serious consequences. Thank you for your help with this matter. 

Remember that elementary students are not allowed to have cell phones at school and certainly not out in class. If they do have them at school they are expected to keep them off and in the backpacks. Some parents send them for their child to have in case of an emergency or due to after-school plans. Students should not be contacting parents during the day on cell phones. Please let Mrs. Tollison or Mr. Moore know if you have any questions. 

Mark Your Calendar (MYC): 
  • Good News Club starts for third graders- Monday, February 26th
  • No Running Club due to weather- Monday, February 26th
  • School Improvement Council Meeting- Thursday, March 1st 
  • PTSO CFA Biscuit Sale- Friday, March 2nd
  • Apple Classroom Training with Nicole Alford (during planning)- Monday, March 5th
  • Fourth Grade Chaperone Meeting- Tuesday, March 6th at 6:00
  • Progress Report Folders- Wednesday, March 7th
  • PTSO Skate Night- Thursday, March 8th

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