Wednesday, November 9, 2016


Did you enjoy your long weekend? I certainly hope, among the many activities available to you, that you took the time to recharge. I like one of the definitions of recharge provided by to revive; especially to attack again.  In our line of work, it is crucial for us to take those fleeting moments to revive and find ourselves. Let's face it, our work is never done and could zap every waking second of our day. Our school is successful because of the tremendous work ethic and commitment of our faculty and staff. Still, we must seek that healthy balance of work and rest. Weekends, holidays, and personal days allow us to do just that. The next five weeks is jam packed with important work and events. Therefore, let us work hard and expend our energy knowing Thanksgiving and Christmas breaks offer to us all those precious moments to recharge. So we can attack the school year again!

Here are some great things happening at PVES!

4th grade Launch students enjoyed a trip to the Greenville Zoo. Mrs. Leftwich provides some wonderful opportunities for our gifted and talented students to extend their learning! 

There is nothing cooler than some hands-on learning and science provides such an opportunity. 3rd graders pictured above in Mrs. Carey's class worked with insulators to see which was the most successful. Great to see STEM being used beyond our STEM lab. 

Why not embrace the madness that is Halloween? Ms. Lockaby's students did just that. Students built candy corn towers, counted the number of toothpicks and candy and multiplied the two-digit numbers. Love the connections being made and the learning taking place across the curriculum. 

A very committed group of teachers, parents and students assisted Ms. Wilcox and her team with building and installing garden boxes pictured above. We should consider this project as a school-wide effort and one that will engage learners in our building for years to come. On Tuesday, November 15th from 3-5 PM, make plans to join us for "Mulch Day" as we spread mulch and complete the next phase of this project. If you plan to help, you are free to wear jeans on this day! 

Math Professional Development:
Tomorrow (Thursday 11/10) math teachers have their next guided math PD with Mrs. Preisig and Mrs. Tollison during planning. Math teachers, you will report to the conference room for this PD. Please arrive on time and ready to learn and get better! 

School Spirit:
There are two opportunities coming up to help rally our students, build school spirit, and support our PTSO. On Thursday, November 10th from 6-8 PM at Roller Time Family Family Skate Center in Piedmont we will host our next Skate Night. Our students love seeing teachers and staff at this event. Additionally, PVES Spirit Night at Chic-Fil-A in Powdersville is scheduled for Tuesday, November 15th from 5:30-8:00 P.M. Your own children and families are welcome to these events so don't let that stop you. Thanks in advance to those of you who can attend these events and help us show off our #pvespride as we build positive relationships with our school community! 

Veteran's Day:
We are pleased to host a Veteran's Day Ceremony on Friday, November 11th at 1:15 P.M. Please extend an invitation to any veterans you know and let them know we would love for them to attend. We will make an "all call" by grade level to come to the MP Room for the ceremony. It is so important that our students understand the importance of honoring those who serve(d) their country. Please take a few moments this week to discuss Veteran's Day with them. More importantly, demand respectful behavior from our students during our ceremony. Thanks! 

Moore's Musings:
We are very pleased to welcome Alice Hinson to our PVES Family. She will be filling Mrs. Fulbright's spot in 4th grade and teaming with Mrs. Odom. She will graduate Anderson University with a degree in elementary education and is looking forward to the opportunity to get her foot in the door in ASD1. Please make her feel welcome and help her as she transitions into this important role in our building.

Mark Your Calendar (MYC): Get these dates out to your parents via emails, newsletters and text messaging!

  • Guided math PD During Planning - 11/10
  • PVES Skate Night - 11/10 from 6-8 P.M.
  • SLOs Due - 11/11
  • Literacy Team Meeting - 11/14 at 3:15 P.M.
  • PVES "Mulch Mania" - 11/15 from 3-5 P.M.
  • PVES Spirit Night at Chic-Fil-A - 11/15 from 5:30-8:00 P.M.
  • SIC Meeting - 11/15 at 6:30 P.M. in Media Center 
  • Carey Baby Shower - 11/16 After School
  • PVES Art Show - 11/17 from 5-7 P.M.
  • Thanksgiving Holidays - 11/23-11/25
  • Fire Drill - 11/29
  • Strings Concert - 12/1 at 6:00 P.M. at PVES

Video of the Week:

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