Wednesday, August 31, 2016

The R in P.R.I.D.E.

The R in our P.R.I.D.E acronym stands for respect. Our video of the week in the last blog challenged us to consider how we speak to our students. As the quote above suggests, I believe that respect is indeed the secret in education. If we expect our students to act with integrity and remain positive in the face of adversity, then we must certainly expect the same of our teachers as professionals. Furthermore, we must expect our teachers and staff to work as a team and be selfless in our daily interactions. I have been impressed thus far with our "family" atmosphere and willingness to show respect to one another and our students. I believe this is what makes PVES so special and separates us from other schools. Let us never forget the R in PRIDE. 

Please do not forget that Boosterthon begins on Tuesday, September 6th with our pep rally held in the MP Room at 1:30 P.M. We will make an announcement when it is time to come to the pep rally. At 3:15 P.M. on the 6th, plan to meet in the PD Room so our Boosterthon team and go over the program with us. I will go ahead and tell you that "team huddles" are part of the valuable part of the program. From 9/7 - 9/14, please plan to follow the proposed "team huddle" schedule below. Third grade teachers, we can discuss alternatives if you have any suggestions. Your attendance for the "team huddles" is important. 

5th grade: 9:20-9:40 A.M.
4th grade: 1:30-1:50 P.M.
3rd grade: 10:15-10:30 A.M. (team 1) and 12:10-12:25 P.M. (team 2) 

On Thursday, Sept 15th we will celebrate the culmination of our fundraising efforts with the Golden Rule Rally in the MP Room. Each grade level will enjoy a celebration in the MP Room on this day. Please see the schedule below.

3rd grade: 12:15 P.M.
4th grade: 1:00 P.M.
5th grade: 1:45 P.M.

This is our one and only major fundraiser for the year. As I have mentioned before, your buy-in will make our break our ability to reach our goal of $20,000. You will receive 10% of your profits to spend in your classroom this school year. Thanks in advance for your patience and positive attitude throughout this event. Just think, we will be DONE with Boosterthon by mid-September and ready to spend the money we raise on our students and classrooms! 

MAP Testing:
MAP testing continues until the Fall window closes on September 30th . We have gotten off to a great start this week so thanks to those of you who have signed up already! Please review the following:

Teachers, please make sure students are using DreamBox for math. I know math teachers discussed using DreamBox for stations in guided math, but it would also be wise to send home login information home with students for individualized homework and practice. Also, don't forget about the science "techbook" as a tool for planning and instruction. Check out the graphic below that should assist teachers with tech program login. 

Standards and Support Documents:
Teachers, did you know that support documents are now available for SC College and Career Readiness Standards. Please bookmark this website as it will be invaluable for you as you plan with your grade level teams. Also, we discussed in our opening meeting, don't forget to refer to the Profile of a SC Graduate and pinpoint knowledge, skills, and life/career characteristics you plan to address. 

And now let's take a glance at some great things happening at PVES. By the way, thanks to everyone who tweets out the awesome things happening in your classroom. Twitter is such a powerful tool in education! 

Congratulations again to Ms. Wilcox! Her nearly $17,000 grant was funded by Michelin North America. We have big plans and we can't wait to share them with you as it involves everyone in our building ... a true school community effort! We will wait to share more when we discuss innovation next week, but mark your calendar for Tuesday, September 13th. On this afternoon, we will celebrate this wonderful opportunity and hear from Ms. Wilcox some additional details about the project! 

Our PVES Patrols began work this week. They certainly serve an important purpose in keeping our car line moving efficiently. Did you know they are also charged with greeting students and parents? This is certainly respect in action each and every morning! 

4th grade students demonstrated their knowledge of native american cultures with tableaus! Thanks to Mr. White for sharing these pictures.

One evening last week, I was still at school for a Launch parent meeting and a light was still on in an otherwise dark hallway. It was Ms. Lockaby scheming a way to get her students to better understand rounding. The next day...a number line in the hallway! I certainly love the outside the box thinking that happens on a daily basis in our school. 

Thanks again to all math teachers for your time and attention in the guided math PD. Mrs. Tollison and Mrs. Preisig did a phenomenal job preparing a hands-on and meaningful  professional development for you. Guided math just makes sense, and I have enjoyed being in math classrooms to see it in action! 

And here it is in action! Stations, small groups, and even some individual attention ... this is what makes the guided math model a wise practice. Math teachers are able to teach students based on their skill level and reach all students. I respect our teachers for trying something new, never settling for the status quo, and always trying to get better!

And well, there is car duty. It's been hot to say the least. Our last two afternoon dismissals have been awesome as students and teachers work together and learn our process. Sometimes, we just have to give them that extra push. Right, Mrs. Melton? 

Moore's Musings:
Intervention block begins on Tuesday, September 6th. Please remember that students who will be receiving pull-out intervention should leave their homeroom by 8:05 AM so they can begin intervention at 8:10 AM. We will send out a list of groups before we leave on Friday afternoon. Please take full advantage of this intervention block. This is not a study hall or extra planning. Rather, it is a focused and intensive time for us to get better. Continuous improvement is the key!

***Friday is a blue jean day. However, please wear a college shirt with your jeans. Let's celebrate our college and career ready theme by celebrating the colleges and universities we attended! Make sure you take a moment to talk to your class about the college you attended and why you are wearing your shirt. Thanks! 

Mark Your Calendar (MYC): As always, please check our shared calendar!
  • No school on Labor Day - Monday, September 5th. 
  • Begin PRIDE Time - Intervention Block - Tuesday, September 6th
  • Begin sending iPads home with students - Tuesday, September 6th
  • Boosterthon 'kickoff" event for Golden Rule Rally - Tuesday, September 6th at 1:30 in the MP Room 
  • Faculty meeting - Tuesday, September 6th at 3:15 in the PD Room
  • Next Guided Math PD in PD Room - Thursday, September 8th
  • Good News Club Begins - Monday, September 12th 
  • Grant Celebration - Tuesday, September 13th at 3:15 P.M. in the PD Room

Video of the Week
Respect is powerful and fragile. Do we show respect even when we are frustrated or upset? 

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