Wednesday, February 17, 2016

PVES Teachers #LoveTeaching

We are switching things up a bit this week. I wanted to start out by bragging on our amazing teachers and take a look at all the wonderful things happening at PVES because you all #LoveTeaching. 

Here are some reasons you #LoveTeaching...

Great Things Happenings at PVES: 

What an incredible turn out for our February Digital Playground. This was the best crowd yet and the library was buzzing with wonderful conversations. It was such a proud moment for me as an administrator to see such great participation and collaboration among our teachers at PVES. Thank you to all who took the time to attend and participate in the stations. 

Teachers stayed after to get some extra help.

Fifth grade teachers explore stations. 

Teachers creating work and posting to SeeSaw.

Teachers working to create Comic Strips. This station received excellent feedback. 

Great collaboration and converstation

Teachers hard at work 

Fraction bars and pies
You are doing amazing things with technology and using it to transform learning in the classroom. Take a look at some ways teachers in our building are moving from Substitution to Augmentation and so on in our SAMR Model. 

Third graders in Hannah Lockaby's class participated in Today's Meet during one of their guided reading stations. These students went to the library during one of their rotations and followed directions Miss Lockaby created. It was impressive to watch our students work together and facilitate their own learning. This is what the Profile of a South Carolina Graduate is all about! Way to go Miss Lockaby and students. 
Third graders going over reading assignment and questions before starting.

Students collaborating on Today's Meet and discussing directions 

Miss Lockaby has guided reading groups and uses her iPad to check in on her Today's Meet group at the same time

Need to Know Info

Class Pictures:
We will be taking class pictures this Friday morning in the library. Be sure to bring your money envelope and make a copy of the list of students who have ordered. Students should be lined up tallest to shortest. Classes will be called to the library. Be sure you switch and are photoed with your homeroom. 

Literacy Night:
On Tuesday, February 23rd Powdersville Elementary School will host our 2nd Annual Literacy Night: Read S'More Books! Last year, we had a very good crowd and we expect an even larger crowd this year. Please make sure you are hyping this event up to your parents and students. Use email, text message updates, etc. to get the word out. Mrs. Martin will be sending out a link where each person can sign up to assist us on that evening. We hope to have many of you there as we celebrate literacy and the important role reading plays in framing the success of our students! Please be cognizant of the fact that we do want a big crowd at this event as you plan homework for that time period. If you have not signed up to help please do so here

World Wide Read Aloud Day:
World Wide Read Aloud Day is scheduled for Wednesday, February 23rd. We will participate! At 8:05 A.M., Mr. Moore and Mrs. Tollison, if she is still with us, will read a book aloud via our podcaster system. We will share the link at a later date. This will enable you to click on the link and have your students watch and listen to us read aloud on your SmartBoard (similar to the spelling bee viewing). This should take no more than 10 minutes. It may mean you have to switch classes a few minutes late. That is not all! We want YOU to read aloud to your class. Take pictures and post these on social media, websites, and SeeSaw. Get the word out!

Boosterthon Is Coming:
As many of you know, Boosterthon is our "big" fundraiser for the year. We support a variety of initiatives through money raised via this event. The more you, the teacher, take a role in getting your kids excited about raising money and helping our school, the more money we will raise! Our kickoff event is a pep rally scheduled for Monday, February 29th at about 1:40 P.M. in the multi-purpose room. This event is designed to get our students excited about the fundraiser so be prepared for some fun and some loudness. At this event, you will be given information that must go home with your students that afternoon. March 1st-4th, 7th and 8th teachers will escort their classes to the MP Room at the beginning of your planning period for "team huddles" where our Boosterthon guys will speak to the teachers and classes for about 10 minutes to keep everyone fired up about raising money. I realize this is taking a portion of your planning, but I believe the return on investment is greater. Thanks for your support. The Fun Run event is scheduled for Wednesday, March 9th. We will send a schedule for this event later. We encourage parents to attend!

Fun and Fellowship:
Thank you to Jessica Thomas for arranging some fun and fellowship for us all. The Painted Rock House is coming on February 25th at 3:30pm to Room 102 to host a paint party. There will be a SIGN UP sheet in the TEACHER WORKROOM by tomorrow. You MUST sign up-they only bring enough pieces to paint for those who sign up. Your choices for wooden pieces are below; of course, you can paint it with the colors of your choosing. Hope you can make it!

Tollison Testing Tidings:
Thank you to everyone for being so flexible and accommodating with our ESL testing last week. All of our students completed testing, and we only had one make up test that needs to be administer. Please be mindful that Mrs. Leftwich and Mrs. Donnan are administering STAR Testing over the next several weeks. Finally be sure you reviewed the information Tammy Lee sent with updates to SC Ready from our meeting last week. You can also visit the State Department website which includes SC Ready updates almost every other day.  

Mark Your Calendar:
Friday, February 19th- Class pictures in the Library
Monday, February 22nd- Clemson Juniors Visit 8:30-11:30
Tuesday, February 23rd- Literacy Night 5:30-7:15
Wednesday, February 24th- World Read Aloud Day
Thursday, February 25th- Painted Rock House Party
Thursday, February 25th- Technology Visitors
Friday, February 26th- Fifth Grade Jet Toy Car Competition at Spearman
Friday, February 26th- PTSO Father/Daughter Dance
Monday, February 29th- Clemson Junior Visit
Monday, February 29th- Boosterthon Pep Rally 1:40-2:20
Tuesday, March 1st- Technology PD Session with Preisig

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