Wednesday, December 2, 2015

'Tis the Season

And just like that, we're off and running toward Christmas Break. We are less than three weeks away from a well-deserved time away from school. December is crazy busy for educators (emphasis on CRAZY). Still, let's take a moment to reflect on our higher calling and purpose. We can use these last few weeks to make a difference. It's important that our students know that these days leading up to break do indeed count. In the chaos that ensues throughout the next twelve days, let us remain patient and kind and truly focused on our jobs. 'Tis the season, as they say, so let us keep doing our very best so we can say we did everything in our power to make a difference.

And We Have A Test:
*Please do not share this information with parents or students just yet*

From the creators of PACT and PASS comes SC READY! Yes, your new state test for accountability has been voted on and approved. While there is still much we DON'T know about the test, we do not that it will be 100% aligned to the new SC College and Career Ready standards. That's right - teach the standards and we will be fine. We do not expect the test to be timed. We do expect a variety of question types (multiple choice, constructed response, etc.). A test blue print and practice test will eventually be provided. The contract for this test is signed through 2020 so there will certainly be some consistency. One grade level (not grade 3) will be tested online this year with all grade levels being tested via computer beginning next school year. If you are doing some preliminary research, Georgia, Pennsylvania and Michigan have tests that will be similar in make and procedure. If you are like me, you have a million questions. Please know we will release information as soon as it comes available. However, as far as high stakes testing goes, this is great news! 

PASS for Science and Social Studies will still be administered, but to whom is still up in the air. More than likely, our third grade friends will be spared from both but 4th and/or 5th grade students are fair game. We hope to know soon! 

Christmas Fun for YOU:
Our faculty Christmas luncheon will be held on Tuesday, December 8th in the PD Room (102). Parent volunteers will cover your classrooms beginning as soon as they check in at 11:00 A.M. until about 1:00 P.M. Obviously, you will want to leave instructions for your parent that they can easily follow. This is always an enjoyable time for our teachers and staff! Be sure to thank our PTSO board for their hard work in planning the event as well as serving during the event.

Our faculty Christmas party is scheduled for Friday, December 11th at the River Reserve Clubhouse. Information was placed in your teacher box about the event including menu and payment options. As was the case last year, we will have some fun activities and games in store for the party that you will not want to miss. Get your money to Patty as soon as possible. We had our largest crowd ever last year and we would love to top that number this year. Look forward to seeing you all there!

Christmas Calendar:
Please familiarize yourself with the many events taking place at PVES this December. 3rd graders are performing this week. Our 4th/5th Chorus and Strings students have performances soon. Our canned food drive is ongoing as well! It's a busy time of year, but I hope you will consider attending and participating in these events. Check out the smore I created and shared with parents for December!

Relay Fridays:
It's that time again....RELAY Fridays!

This coming Friday, December 4th will be extra recess day.  Every $1.00 your class raises will give them an extra minute of recess!  Plan to spread the minutes out over the next two weeks before Christmas break (if that's feasible).  

Friday, December 11th will be Pajama Day!  Any student who brings a $1.00 donation for Relay for Life can wear pajamas on that day.

The final Friday, December 18th will be Crazy Christmas Day!  Students who bring a $1.00 donation for Relay for Life can dress tacky, crazy, Christmasy..etc.!  The more red and green, the better!

Please get the word out about these Friday events via newsletters, email blasts, etc. Thanks!

If you follow our twitter feed, you know there are so many awesome things taking place in our classrooms. Our teachers are so talented! Here are some cool things we captured on camera.

PVES Art Show:
Mrs. Nix's hard work paid off in a tremendous way with her best art show to date! Thanks to those of you who made it a point to stop by and support your students and Mrs. Nix. A special "thank you" to those of you who volunteered during the event. We have some very talented students!

Cleaning Out:
As I walked down the hallway one day, I spotted Mrs. Clary and Mrs. Garrett at the end of the hallway cleaning out a closet. No one asked them to do this. They took it upon themselves to get the job done. They have made a great deal of progress in the closet at the end of the hallway (making their way through black widow spiders and unknown objects) and it will soon be a well-organized space that houses a variety of science equipment and materials. Thanks again, ladies!

Field Trip:
Ms. Marino's class visited the Upstate Children's Museum on Wednesday and had a blast. I was lucky enough to attend and enjoyed bring with that special group of students. The museum was very accommodating and Ms. Marino did a great job of planning the day for her students. It takes quite a bit of work to load up that group of students and hit the road, but we made it safe and sound. Thanks for the invite!

Moore's Musings:

  • With so much happening these next few weeks, please make every effort to be at school. It is more difficult to find subs on Mondays and Fridays especially and even moreso as we near the break. 
  • Thanks for making sure you are at school by 7:50 A.M. and in your room. Duty seems to be going very well in both the morning and afternoon so thank you all for that! 
Mark Your Calendar:
  • December 3rd - 4th (morning)/5th (afternoon) Grade Reading Teachers PD in Room 102 (Lunch Provided). 
  • December 4th - 3rd Grade Reading Teacher PD in Room 102. 
  • December 4th - Relay Friday - Extra Recess Day
  • December 8th - PTSO Faculty Luncheon in PD Room from 11:00 A.M. - 1:00 P.M.
  • December 11th - Faculty Christmas Party at 6:30 P.M.
*Please review all upcoming events on our shared calendar. 

Video of the Week

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