In some ways, it feels like we started this school year ages ago. In some respects, it has flown by faster than any year I have experienced. In August, we set forth a goal to do "whatever it takes" for one another and for our students. Our resolve will continue to be tested as we continue this pursuit. In reality, we enter the most crucial stage of the year. From January to March is a mostly uninterrupted stretch in which our students will grow academically and master essential content. Furthermore, our students will benefit from our ability to continue to foster caring and positive relationships. The latter paves the way for the former and this is when the magic happens. I challenge you to be consistent, be positive, and be a difference maker. Through the challenges and storms that are sure to come, do whatever it takes because that is in our DNA. This is who we are and the best is yet to come. We have to believe this, live this and want this. Together, for the kids, and for one another...whatever it takes.

Before Christmas Break, we hope you felt the love from our PTSO and from our School Admin...
Thank you to our PTSO for the food, the fun, and the prizes. Our board's #1 priority has been supporting students and teachers through a variety of ways including purchases and luncheons/treats. We are blessed to enjoy their support.
Before the break, we had over 30 individuals spend 3-4 hours on a Saturday at school as part of Beautification Day. To me, this was the epitome of #pvespride and everyone worked so hard. As we will discuss later in the blog, we must continue to take good care of our playground and materials.
Pride Practice Lesson:
On Monday, January 4th, all home rooms should use
this slides presentation to engage students in reflection and conversation about being respectful. Specifically, we want to focus on being respectful on the playground and in the restroom. You can use the notes provided in the notes section to guide the lesson. We want students to leave the playground in great shape when recess is over. We would also like for students to leave restrooms clean and orderly. This will be accomplished if all teachers have high expectations for these areas.
Thriving Thursday Info:
We will start back with Thriving Thursday on Thursday, January 7th. However, grade levels should not plan to discuss specific data or plans. We will use this time to provide feedback to grade levels as it pertains to PLC implementation. We want to continue to adjust and improve in specific areas so we utilize this PLC framework to the fullest extent. There is plenty of room for growth.
Virtual Meetings:
We will have a required virtual faculty meeting on Wednesday, January 6th immediately after dismissal. We will send the link out that afternoon. We want to touch base with everyone on a few important issues and make sure we are all on the same page heading into the start 2021. Additionally, "new best" teachers will stay on the virtual meeting while we discuss our bullying prevention program, OLWEUS, so you can be prepared as we plan to kick this off on Monday, January 11th.
Data Meetings:
We will have grade level data meetings in January to discuss Winter MAP scores, F&P and any other data/concerns with grade levels. We will meet in the PD Room after school and plan to take no more than an hour (2:30-3:30 PM). Make necessary schedule arrangements so you can attend.
- 5th Grade - Tuesday, January 12th
- 4th Grade - Wednesday, January 13th
- 3rd Grade - Tuesday, January 19th
Conferring Book Study:
Thanks to Mrs. Martin for once again leading our conferring book study. She will continue to provide specific information in email form. We have a large group of teachers participating. We encourage you to continue to learn more about what true conferring looks like and how to best implement these best practices in your reading classroom. We continue to evolve in terms of our ELA instruction and innovation is needed.
- Monday, January 11th
- Monday, January 25th
- Monday, February 1st
End of 2nd 9 Weeks Timeline:
Can you believe it? The 2nd of the 2nd nine week period and the hallway point of the school year arrives on Thursday, January 21st. Please note our timeline below. As a reminder, you should have already met with all parents back in October/November. Any concerns, both academically or socially-emotional/behavior, should be formally communicated ASAP. There should be no surprises. Your thoughtful and precise comments on report cards is required and helpful.
- Grades due in gradebook by end of school day on Monday, January 25th.
- Paperless grade verifications are due by end of day on Tuesday, January 26th. Patty will communicate with teachers if any problems surface.
- 2nd 9 Weeks Report cards will be emailed to parents after school on Friday, January 29th.
OLWEUS Begins:
I believe it is very important for us to begin our OLWEUS class meetings/lessons on Mondays each week. Beginning on Monday, January 11th, classrooms will use PRIDE Time to engage students in lessons and discussion focused on bullying prevention. We want to continue providing a climate and culture of positive relationships, mutual respect, and selfless action. OLWEUS is the vehicle by which we can have healthy dialogue related to bullying behaviors and areas of concern in our classrooms. No, you won't be able to have students come to the carpet and circle up, but the impactful discussions can still take place. The teachers guides this and ultimately makes it successful. Please note: Tuesday-Friday PRIDE Time is still an intentional time for remediation and intervention.
Use our
OLWEUS folder for ideas and resources. The
first 6 lessons are scripted for you and should be followed. We want these school-wide rules/expectations to be a common language in all areas of the school. After the first 6 lessons, OLWEUS becomes highly individualized based on the classroom. Boys taking football too seriously and not getting along? Sounds like a great time to talk about sportsmanship. Girls spreading rumors and being unkind to one another? Now is the time to discuss lifting others up and being a good friend. Thank you for making program a difference maker for our students. Remember, when students feel safe and appreciated, they are more likely to learn and grow academically at at a higher rate.
PTSO Information:
- Friday, January 8th - Spirit Day (Wear your House colors/shirts)
- Wednesday, January 13th & Thursday, January 14th - Papa John's "Dollars for Dough" Spirit Nights
- Friday, January 29th - Fund Friday: Wacky Tacky Day (Bring $1.00 and dress tacky)
Moore's Musings:
Please forgive me for yet another mention concerning masks and social distancing. However, with positive cases skyrocketing in SC, we must continue to be dedicated to providing the safest and cleanest environment possible in our building. Please take time to discuss your expectations with students in regard to wearing masks appropriately and social-distancing. Again, students will rise to the level of your expectation. We don't want to be mean or ugly about it. We don't want to scare students. We want them to know we care and why we are requiring these protocol to be followed. Please remember to update your seating charts in plenty of time for related arts teachers to take note and adjust. I want us to be in school all year, and while I do not know what the future holds, I want to be confident that we did everything we could to stay in school.
Mark Your Calendar (MYC):
- Progress Report Folders - 1/13, 1/27, 2/10
- No School (MLK Day) - 1/18
- Fire Drill - 1/20
- Class Pictures - 1/27
Video of the Week: Whatever It Takes
Have you ever actually read the lyrics? If not, take a moment and be inspired.