Sunday, October 4, 2020


Each year, our school participates in a PTSO Fundraiser in order to secure funds to support our classrooms. We usually enjoy much success, and with that success, are able to use monies from our fundraiser to purchase materials and celebrate teachers. With your help, we will once again do a wonderful job raising funds for our school that ultimately are poured back into the classrooms. Please spend time each day encouraging students to participate and celebrating when your class reaches a milestone. You are driving this bus! 

In the blog today, we focus on the word raise and the implications of the work we do each and every day. When we raise we move to a higher position; elevate. Indeed, this has become commonplace at PVES. Our school community understands and expects that we will never reach for the status quo. We are constantly growing, learning and improving. Through effective communication and collaboration efforts, we raise our expectations and thrive in all conditions. This doesn't mean we don't fail. We do. This doesn't mean we don't get worn out. We do. This simply means we recognize the importance of our work and its impact on our students. We also must understand and model these traits for one another. Do you elevate those around you? When we collectively raise the level of our work and elevate those around us, we become stronger and more equipped to live out our mission. 

We've made it to October! Can you believe it? Remain hopeful, diligent, and raise the bar for yourself and your students...

We are so thankful for our PTSO for supporting us in many ways. They truly elevate our school and ability to serve our students. Leo the Lion made an appearance this week to kick off the fundraiser. And it is awesome to see our teachers participating in spirit nights each month!

Speaking of elevating - elevating our instructional program is always a priority. Integrating content across the curriculum and in multiple formats is so effective. Students in Coach Whitham's class played hockey, but with a math twist! 

One more "thank you" to our custodial staff. We enjoyed recognizing them on Custodian Appreciation Day last week. We have certainly asked them to raise the bar in terms of cleaning and sanitizing. Together, we have worked hard to keep our school clean, safe and healthy! 

SLO/GBE Update:
As a reminder, SLO/GBE information should be directly typed into SCLead no later than Friday, October 9th. After this has been entered, Mrs. Tollison/Mr. Moore and the faculty member will need to sign off at the bottom of the screen Preliminary Conference Signatures. You should be working toward your goal this semester with the expectation of meeting your requirements before we leave for Christmas Break. Mrs. Kendall Place has sent invitations for our summative conferences for each employee. Mrs. Tollison and Mr. Moore will check in with everyone in November as part of our mid-course conferences. Basically, we are squeezing the process into one semester. Let us know if you have any questions. 

Live PD Follow-Up:
We are so thankful for Kelle Martin and all of our teacher leaders who presented last Wednesday during our virtual Live PD session. We heard some great information that inspired us to take new learning back to our classrooms and use it! You can click here to find our session menu that includes links to the presentations that were used during Live PD. We have reviewed the great feedback many of you provided in the form you completed at the end of the session. In response to the feedback, we would like to mention the following:

  • We will be sending out information soon regarding our next conferring book study. This is NOT REQUIRED but highly recommended if you want to grow in your conferring skills. 
  • The expectation is that you do meet consistently in guided reading groups with your below grade level readers. We agreed to this when we met to review data a few weeks ago. 
  • Mrs. Martin will be reaching out to all homeroom teachers soon with a date that she plans to stop by and check in with you regarding your ELA block/schedule. Specifically, she wants to be of any assistance in the area of ensuring that you do have a workable schedule that allows you to meet with all students each week. 

Fall Parent Conferences:
Mr. Moore sent out information last week regarding conference day on October 19th. Please let me us know if you have any questions. Don't forget to use this template to organize the information you want to share with parents. Patty Ellison sent out this survey form regarding October 19th so please take to fill this out. Thank you for building positive relationships with students and and ensuring that our parents are well informed and play a vital role in the education of our students! 

Fall Fundraiser:
Thanks for helping us kick off our Fall Fundraiser on Friday. Our "Sponsor a Day" fundraiser will end on October 16th. There is not much expected of teachers other than to encourage your students daily to participate and have fun with the program. PTSO will keep you updated on class and school progress via the bulletin board outside the main office. They will coordinate with the home room teacher when your class reaches a goal. We are certainly taking a risk with a fundraiser like this, but with with such a risk often comes great reward! 
Moore's Musings:
Can you believe it? There are only 17 more days in the first nine week period. I am thankful for the sacrifices of so many that have enabled our students to return to school. Our community needed us, and as always, you did not disappoint. I am blessed to be your principal and work with each of you. In some buildings, the leader as high expectations but struggles to convince the staff to have the same. In other buildings, the opposite is true. Teachers have high expectations but often become frustrated at leadership who do not provide a clear vision. Together, PVES continues to thrive and elevate our game to offer the very best for our students. Stay the course, follow our protocols and procedures, and hang on tight. There is no place I would rather be! #pvespride 

Mark Your Calendar:
  • PVES Spirit Night at Pizza House of Powdersville - 10/8
  • SLO/GBE information entered into SCLead and signed - 10/9
  • RTI Team Meeting - During Day on 10/12
  • Powdersville PLAY football game at Dolly Cooper - 10/12 at 6:30 P.M. (community event)

Video of the Week: Fall Fundraiser at PVES