Sunday, December 8, 2019


Given that Wren High School won its first state championship ever in high school football and Clemson won its 5th ACC championship in a row, our blog this week focuses on champions. As a noun, we know the meaning of the the word champion as a person or team who has defeated all opponents in a competition. If you look at report card ratings and test scores, our faculty and staff at PVES is made up of champions! However, I would ask you to think about the use of champion as a verb; to act in defense or support of something or someone. Our faculty and staff champion the cause of our students. We love and support every student, not just those in our own classrooms, as we engage in the tiresome and rewarding work of being n educator. We toil through the PLC process and ensure learning for all students. We embrace challenges, both large and small, because we are called to do so. At PVES, our culture thrives based on our collective desire to champion student growth and success.

Our Charlie Brown-themed Literacy Night was a huge success. A special thank you to Kelle Martin and Lindsay Nix for making this night possible. A huge thank you to all the teachers and staff who worked hard to make this a special evening for our students and their families. We must always remember to champion our school community and take full advantage of every opportunity to engage them. 

Several teachers went to Clemson with Ms. Lee on Friday afternoon as part of a Christmas program in which underprivileged students experience some Christmas cheer. We don't just talk about serving the "whole child" at PVES. We act upon that belief. We champion that belief. 

We know December is a very busy month. Please make sure you have read over our December "In the Know" Newsletter and that you have shared this via SeeSaw. Let us continue to communicate well with parents during these next two weeks!

The next two Mondays, please ensure that your class participates in meaningful class meetings as part of OLWEUS. Of course, you can always refer to our shared folder for ideas. Feel free to add ideas as well to the folder. If you have not done so already, please take one of the next two Mondays to introduce our Powdersville Postal Pride mail system.

Lunch Buddies:
On Tuesday, December 10th, we will have a highway patrolman who will be in our cafeteria visiting with students as part of the SC Highway Patrol's "lunch buddies" program. Please help our patrolman feel welcome and at home. You may want to mention this to your students as well.

3rd Grade Christmas Performances:
Our third graders are excited about their upcoming performances. There are a few important things to note for the rehearsals and performances. Students will be traveling for rehearsal to the high school during an adjusted related arts schedule on their performance day. Please plan to be at the high school at 5:45 P.M. that evening to assist with students on stage. Once the show begins, feel free to join the audience. At the conclusion of the performance, please report to the stage to help with reuniting parents and students for dismissal. 

December 16th- 100 Hallway Performance Day100 Hall related 8:10-9:30 (Barnett, Childress, Plowden, Skelton, Thompson)Garrett, Horn, Melton, Schumpert will need to go to related arts at 10:15 instead of 9:30200 hallway related keeps the same times (Carey, Ezell, Henderson, McGaha, Williams) 11:00-11:45 

December 17th- 200 Hallway Performance Day 200 Hall related 8:10-9:30  (Carey, Ezell, Henderson, McGaha, Williams)
Garrett, Horn, Melton, Schumpert will need to go to related arts at 10:15 instead of 9:30100 hallway (Barnett, Childress, Plowden, Skelton, Thompson) will go to related at 11:00-11:45 (Barnett will need to take lunch boxes to related in order to go straight to lunch.)
Please let us know if you have any questions. 

December 20th:
December 20th is the final day before Christmas Break. Students will be dismissed at 11:00 A.M. Our Chorus will perform for us at 8:15 A.M. followed by class parties at 9:30 A.M. Remember, no parents can attend the performance and no parents should come down to rooms early for class parties. After dismissal, we will have our own Christmas celebration in our MP Room. This should begin at 12:00 P.M. Please sign up to bring an item by clicking here. Additionally, bring a coffee mug for our "mug swap". We will provide dessert and chicken tenders in addition to what everyone else brings. We also have some fun and games prepared for you to enjoy (and some prizes) like last year! Please let us know if you have any questions. Our plan is to finish up and send everyone on their way early!

Moore's Musings:

  • Don't forget about our upcoming Strings and Chorus performances. Our students love to see their teachers in the audience. This is a great way to show your support for Mr. Velasco and Mrs. Fitch as well! 
  • Please participate in the 12 Days of Blue Jeans. Thanks for all you do!
  • Refer to the presentation from our last Live PD regarding Title IX, Supervision, etc.
Mark Your Calendar (MYC):
  • PVES Strings Concert in MP Room - 12/9 at 6:30 P.M.
  • 3rd and 5th Grade Vision and Hearing Screenings - 12/10 (Nurse sent out schedule)
  • PVES Chorus Concert at PVHS - 12/10 at 6:30 P.M.
  • Highway Patrol Lunch Buddies Program - 12/10
  • Elise Denney Shower - 12/11 at 3:15 P.M.
  • Spirit Night at Pizza House in Powdersville - 12/12
  • Guiding Coalition Meeting in Thomas's Room - 12/13 at 7:20 A.M.
  • Visit from Cedar Grove Teachers and Admin - 12/16
  • PVES Ambassadors Meet - 12/16 at 2:45 P.M. 
  • No Good News Club - 12/17
  • 3rd Grade Christmas Performances at PVHS - 12/16 & 12/17
  • SIC Meeting in media center - 12/19 at 7:20 A.M.
  • Robotics Club in STEM Lab - 12/19 at 2:45 P.M.
  • PTSO Skate Night (Tacky Christmas) 12/19 from 6-8 P.M.
  • Last Day of School - 12/20 - dismissal at 11:00 A.M. for students 

Video of the Week: Embrace It!