Sunday, May 5, 2019


As I think back on my school career, I can name countless teachers and staff who made a difference in my life. Can you remember the names of those educators who loved and care for you? Take a moment to reflect. Name them. Appreciate them. Appreciation is the word of the day for this blog with Teacher Appreciation Week on the horizon. According to, appreciation is defined as the act of estimating the qualities of things or persons and giving them their proper value. Let me say first, it is obvious to me that Teacher Appreciation Week should be more like Teacher Appreciation Year. There is no way to estimate the proper value of educators. At PVES, our faculty and staff are developing a culture of "do whatever it takes" and the results thus far have been incredible. On behalf of Mrs. Tollison and I, please know we appreciate you. Your hard work, your selfless attitude, your love and concern for your students ... none of this goes unnoticed. We see you arriving early or staying late. We witness your ability to handle difficult situations with difficult students. We observe your patience and grace when you show up to work ready to give your all after a long day the day before. Long after I am gone, PVES will continue to thrive. Why? Because it's about the educators in this building. It's about the heart and soul of our staff. It's about the culture that is growing and becoming stronger every year. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts. Thank you for giving of yourself. Thank you for believing in one another and in your students. Indeed, you are appreciated! 

5th grade students at PVES visited PVMS recently. I enjoy this day as they get to connect with their future school. As many came back to PVES after the event, they told us how much they loved us and wanted to stay. Now, we won't allow that. But teachers, you are appreciated. 

Thomas McAuliff is a wonderful example of a true educator who cares. He serves us selflessly. Whether it be preparing us for testing or helping us plan an awesome day for our students, he does whatever it takes. Thomas, you are appreciated. 

Speaking of testing, I appreciate just how awesome everyone has been in preparation for this very important and demanding time of year. Let's stay focused and work hard this week as we prepare our students to be at their best. Maybe it's positive messages from teachers or parents or the extra push toward success that takes place in the hallway. Whatever it takes, I know all of you will get it done this week. From goal setting, to rewards and positive messages ... this is the final push! 

5th grade wrapped up their fantasy unit with a breakout! Our students appreciate how you make learning relevant, but fun. Awesome job! 

5th grade attended the Senior Signing Day and Parade at PVHS recently. This is a special event for many of us for several reasons. One, we get to see students who were once 3rd-5th graders at PVES who are now graduating and going to college or career. Two, we get to expose our students to the end goal of all that we do. As some of these former students passed by, they offered their gratitude and appreciation to those teachers who helped them along the way! 

Testing Reminders:
SC-READY testing is in five days. Yes, five. It's important to make sure our students are motivated and mentally prepared. Much of what we have done academically is now water under the bridge. Make sure your students are in the right frame of mind to show up next Monday ready to show off the pride. Here are a few reminders:
  • Review the testing presentation discussed last Wednesday. Let us know if you have any questions. 
  • Prepare your classroom; making sure all content-related material is taken down or covered up. 
  • Prepare your folders/dividers to help with test security.
  • Email Mr. Moore and Mrs. Tollison if you need tables in your classroom. We do have a limited number. 
  • Communicate with parents about testing dates (May 13-16).
  • Communicate with parents about bringing in snacks for testing.
  • We will provide peppermints and some pencils as well. 
  • Let us know if you have any questions.

IEP Season:
I am so appreciative our special education teachers for the hard work they give each and every single day to support our at-risk students. Please remember them during this season of developing IEPs and holding meetings. In regard to meetings that involve your students, please make sure you attend and provide your feedback as needed. This is critical in developing successful plans for the next year. 

Home room teachers will be tackling Fountas and Pinnell levels soon in preparation for completing SLOs. Everyone please take note of the following dates in which we will finalize everything GBE/SLO-related in SCLead. Let us know if you have any questions. 
  • May 22nd at 11:10 in the Art Room (All Non-Homeroom Teachers)
  • May 23rd During Planning location TBA (5th Grade)
  • May 24th During Planning location TBA (4th Grade)
  • May 28th During Planning location TBA (3rd Grade) 
  • May 28th at 3:15 P.M. in media center (Make-Up Session) 

Testing Song:
This is a quick reminder that we will attempt to film our testing song, High Hopes for State Testing, on Wednesday after dismissal. It is my understanding that the song has been divided out by groups, so it will certainly help us out if you have an idea of what you plan to do for your portion of the song. We are excited to do this again this year! 

Additionally, Mrs. Tollison and I hope to email out a read aloud or two with some positive thoughts for our students. That should be done early this week. 

  • Yellow student placement cards are due completed to the office by the end of the day on Friday, May 10th. 
  • Please complete the teacher survey on the state department website by Friday if you have not already (certified staff). 
  • Contracts for both classified and certified personnel should be submitted to the front office ASAP. Remember they are due by the end of the week. 
  • We will have a Friday House meeting around 1:50 P.M. Wear your house shirts on this day! 
  • As we inch closer to the end of the year, do not let your guard down in regard to supervision. Adhere to posted lunch and recess times. Be on duty at the posted time. Monitor closely at recess. Separate students, when feasible, who have had trouble getting along. 

Moore's Musings:
It's your week! PTSO has worked hard to provide something special for you each day this week. In addition, please feel free to wear blue jeans this week. I certainly hope you enjoy this special time and make the most of it. Mrs. Tollison and I are so appreciative that we get to work with you! #pvespride 

Mark Your Calendar (MYC):
  • Keep iPads at School - May 6th
  • Book Fair Ends at Noon - May 7th 
  • 4th Grade Launch Presentations in Cafeteria - May 7th at 8:15 A.M.
  • Progress Report Folders Sent Home - May 8th 
  • PVES New Best Meeting - May 8th (subject to change) 
  • Testing Video - May 8th after school 
  • ESOL Night at Powdersville Library - May 9th 
  • Wear House Shirt/Chic-Fil-A Biscuit Sales - May 10th 
  • Yellow Placement Cards Due - May 10th 
  • Teacher Appreciation Week - All Week Long - More to Come! 

Video of the Week: "Don't Give Up On Me"
Of all that I appreciate, most of all, I appreciate your not giving up on our students!