It's about that time! I am thrilled to be able to welcome all of you to the 2018-2019 school year. This is sure to be the best year ever at PVES. Mrs. Tollison and I have enjoyed seeing everyone come in the building the last few weeks and work in classrooms. We have enjoyed following your summer travels and adventures and hearing about your opportunities to refresh and recharge with your friends and family. That is what summer is all about! I trust that you are as excited as I am about the upcoming school year and what we get to accomplish together this year. Take a moment to read the excerpt above from Jon Gordon and reflect on the true message of "get to instead of have to." We already know this year will be complete with roadblocks and challenges, but our attitude and approach will make all the difference. In the end, it's all about our students and the PRIDE we share in being the best school in ASD1 and in South Carolina. Let's take that responsibility seriously and maintain a laser-like focus on our goals as an organization. This blog is filled with information that will be beneficial for you to get off to the best start possible. Don't forget, we use our shared calendar, this blog and email to communicate important dates and information throughout the year. There are many experiences and events planned that we GET TO participate in that will ultimately make us stronger and better for our students. More than anything else, Mrs. Tollison and I want you to know how excited and honored we are to get to work with the best faculty and staff anywhere around. And here we go!

Room Reminders:
- Remember our college and career theme. If you have not already, consider decorating your classroom door with pictures from your college graduation, your college colors/flag, etc. There are some great examples present for you as you walk the hallways.
- As you are cleaning out and organizing, please do not fill trash bags so heavy that custodians cannot pick them up.
- Have a plan for heavy furniture (i.e. teacher desks, bookshelves). Check with our custodial staff to make sure we have room to store them as we are running very short on space. Email faculty and staff pictures of any items for which you want to find a new home.
Tuesday, August 7th Professional Development:
- Tuesday, August 7th is our district's professional development day in which you can earn a comp day for a day to be named this school year. They have something for everyone and have worked hard to provide quality PD for you. Our school always leads the way in terms of attendance so let's have a big crowd there!
- This year, our district is requiring everyone who plans to receive credit for attending PD sessions to sign up in advance via PD Express and scan QR codes at the actual sessions to prove you attended. If these things are not done, you will not receive credit for attending.
- Sessions on August 7th are taking place at Wren Elementary School. Lunch will be provided.
First Week Back Plans:
- All faculty and staff officially report back on Monday, August 13th. This year, our new superintendent has planned our district opening meeting on this first day back. Everyone will meet at Wren High School and the opening session will begin in the auditorium by 8:30 A.M. After the opening session, boxed lunches will be provided and professional development sessions will take place the remainder of the afternoon. Anyone participating in 5th grade "Meet the Teacher" that evening is free to leave by 3:00 P.M. to get back to school in time for the event.
- We will have our school opening meeting at NewSpring Powdersville the next day on Tuesday, August 14th. We will provide breakfast between 7:45-8:15 with our opening session beginning at 8:30 A.M. We plan to be done by 10:30 A.M. Park in the back lot (side opposite from Highway 153). If you have not already, complete this form ASAP in preparation for the meeting.
- A detailed look at our first week back can be found by accessing our First Week Back Calendar. Take time to look through this and pre-determine when you will have time to meet as grade levels, work in your rooms, etc.
- Feel free to dress casual/comfortable during working days that first week unless you have a scheduled meeting outside of our building. Obviously, you will want to dress professionally for your Meet the Teacher event.
Meet the Teacher:
Meet the Teacher events are scheduled for 8/13 (5th), 8/14 (4th) and 8/16 (3rd). Each event is a "drop in" style event from 4-6 P.M. I would highly recommend being in your room early and prepared for large crowds. We will do our best to wait until 4:00 P.M., but the reality is we will have to open up 5-10 minutes early to accommodate the crowds. Please park in the back parking lot (bus circle) and access the building through the double doors there. Parents will have the opportunity to pay fees, join PTSO and meet bus drivers, YMCA after school counselors and many other school/community groups. You will notice on the First Week Back Calendar that you are allowed late arrival on Friday morning as a small "thank you" for staying late for your Meet the Teacher event. Remember, we have one chance to make a first impression. We want that first impression to be a great one - show our parents and students that you care about them and that you are excited about what you GET TO do this school year! For non-homeroom teachers, click here to view when you signed up to assist with Meet the Teacher. We will need you at school by 3:30 to ensure you understand your role/responsibility.
Miscellaneous Information:
- Familiarize yourself with our Teacher Handbook. Some changes/additions have been included. We will reference some big ideas in one of our meetings during our first week back.
- Remember that PTSO will reimburse you up to $150 for classroom supplies and materials once you provide a receipt and fill out the appropriate request. Additionally, full time certified teachers receive a $275 check from the state for classroom supplies and materials. Save all receipts in case of audit.
- Hospitality guidelines are still being updated, but please do not forget to pay hospitality dues. We are shaving $5 off of hospitality dues this year so the cost will be $30.00. Remember that hospitality dues allow us to celebrate wedding/baby showers, support employees who have a death in the family or some sort of severe medical issue. We even use dues to engage in some fun activities throughout the year.
- Additionally, please make sure to join our PTSO. The cost is $10.00. They support our school in so many ways. It would be disappointing to have less than 100% membership from our faculty and staff!
- We have welcomed more than 35 new enrollments and/or transfers this summer. Most have been assigned to a classroom. We emailed teachers when this occurred. There will be more so do not be surprised to have some late additions to your roster.
- August 6-10 is the first week we are back on regular schedule (Mon-Friday from 8:00-4:00 P.M.). Remember that your door code works Mon-Fri from 6A to 6P. New folks, we are working on getting your door codes from TSS.
- Returning employees, please make sure your websites are up-to-date with your current information including schedule, etc.
- We have purchased SeeSaw and Reflex Math for the 2018-2019 school year. You will hear more about this in the near future.
Welcome New Faculty and Staff:
Layne Johnson - 3rd
Kate Plowden - 3rd
Nicole McGaha - 3rd
Brooke Williams - 3rd
Elizabeth Crain - 4th
Stacey Scarborough - 4th
Caitlin Epperson - Music
Krista Turpin - Nurse
Charity Brooks - Custodian
Moore's Musings:
I have been a part of the education profession since 2001. As a student teacher at Concrete Elementary, fourth grade teacher at Concrete and PVES, assistant principal, and now principal, I have experienced the highs and lows of kicking off a new school year. I can tell you, without any hesitation, I have never been more excited about a school year. We have assembled an impressive group of teachers, with many talents and strengths, who are sure to move us forward, to another level, in the coming years. Make no mistake about it, hard work lies ahead. However, we have never been a group to back down from a challenge, change with the times, and adapt in such a way to do what is best for our students. I am so excited that I GET TO work with all of you this school year. Bring your energy and enthusiasm and let the magic happen!
Video of the Week: