Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Merry Christmas

It's that time of year. And it's so easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of the season that we can lose sight of the true meaning of the season. My family has managed to decorate our house, take care of the majority of the shopping, and even watch a Christmas movie or two (National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation is a must). School is busy with teaching and learning and events like Strings, Chorus, Skate Night, etc. filling up many evenings. I am doing my best to embrace this part of the Christmas season and enjoy the moment. Constantly playing in my mind are those memories yet to be made during this Christmas season. I am anxiously awaiting those fleeting moments with my friends and family. I hope and pray that you will finish these final seven days of school in a positive and professional way. Focus on student learning and making the most of each and everyday with our special students. And next Friday afternoon, when the students are gone to begin their Christmas vacation, you pack your things up and leave as soon as possible. Begin your Christmas journey for all the right reasons. Enjoy the season and the break. Make those memories. And come back refreshed in January; ready to prepare our students for success and continue to tradition of excellence at PVES. 

Math/Technology PD:
Mrs. Preisig and Mrs. Tollison look forward to meeting with math teachers during planning on Thursday in the PD Room. 

Christmas Card:
Mrs. Tollison would like to remind you to please send your picture of video for our school Christmas card. This card will be shared electronically to our school board, other schools, district office staff and our school community. The first group (grade level, related, specialty area, office, etc) to submit their pictures/video for the Christmas card will receive a blue jean day! 

Skate Night:
Skate Night is Thursday evening from 6-8 P.M. at Roller Time Family Skate Center in Piedmont. We have received a tremendous response from teachers who plan to attend. Please encourage your students one more time to attend. Thank you for your willingness to make this positive event and support our PTSO. 

Faculty Meeting:
Thank you again for your participation and attention during our faculty meeting this week. Thanks to Ms. Horn, Ms. Wilcox, Ms. Jordan, and Mrs. Martin for leading us in professional development. Our goal is to continuously improve and teacher leaders are key to our success. Please click here to view the slides from our faculty meeting. 

EAFK ceremonies will be held Friday afternoon in the MP Room. We will call classes to the MP Room when ready. Please discuss with your students our expectation in terms of behavior. 

Tar Wars:
5th grade teachers: On December 9thTar Wars are scheduled to present to your classes (PD Room and STEM Lab) at the following times: 
8:45 A.M. - Wayne, Golden, Garrett, Wilcox
9:30 A.M. - Gibson, Horn, Melton, Thomas

Christmas Party:
We are excited about our faculty Christmas party on December 14th. We will begin promptly at 6:00 P.M. at Breakout Greenville located at 614 North Main Street in Greenville. Afterward, we will head to Chicora Alley for food and fellowship. 

Real Men Read was a huge success. Thanks to Kelle Martin and our literacy committee for organizing the event. Our students need to see successful males reading and using their reading skills to make a living. Enjoy this animoto video created by Kelle Martin. 

Thanks to Mrs. Lee and a handful of our teachers, some of our students were able to enjoy a true Christmas celebration in Clemson last week. It was incredible to hear about this group of educators making Christmas possible for some less fortunate students. 

Congratulations are in order for all Powdersville area schools as 97.1% of seniors last year graduated. This is truly remarkable and speaks to the wonderful educational product we have created in our schools. 

Our third graders performed their Christmas musical this week and did a tremendous job. Thanks to Mrs. Turner for having them prepared and thanks to our 3rd grade teachers for being there to support them! Also, our 5th grade Strings students performed on the 1st in front of a large crowd. Congrats to those students for performing so well! 

Moore's Musings:
  • On Friday, December 16th the PVES Chorus will perform for our faculty and students at 1:00 P.M. in the MP Room. 5th grade teachers, please plan to go through the lunch line earlier and eat in the classroom. We will send an update next week. As soon as the Chorus performs, we will begin class parties at 1:40 P.M. You are free to leave on the 16th as soon as you have taken care of your responsibilities. 
  • Several teachers from each grade level attended PD on Wednesday related to the TDA portion of SCREADY. They will have some very important information to share with us in January as we use our vertical teaming session to discuss this information. 

Mark Your Calendar:
Please refer to our shared Google Calendar for important dates and information! 

Video of the Week: