Thursday, May 12, 2016


We have reached that point and time in the school year where chaos reigns supreme. Our calendar is heavy is not burdensome. Our bodies ache; finally feeling the weight and pressure we have carried on our backs since August. And our minds yearn for peace amidst the constant storms we encounter when "over-tested" students and overworked educators search in earnest for the silver lining in every cloud. Now is the time where we must work together; not against one another. Now is the time we must dig deep to connect with the most difficult students in an effort to make those final, but crucial connections before the summer. PVES teachers find opportunity among the chaos. They know the task at hand. They are well aware of the many expectations placed upon them. And, together, we will make it work. We will persevere. And we will ultimately do what is right and make a difference. That's what we do. 

There is no way I can cover everything that has occurred in the past few weeks. However, let's take a look at a few highlights!

Thanks to Ms. Lockaby for sharing this on Twitter. Words cannot begin to describe the sense of pride I feel when I think back on how our teachers and students handled a very stressful testing environment. We were flexible, we were patient, and we were focused. There is no doubt our students were prepared to do their best. We will take our scores and work together to develop a plan to continuously improve. I am excited about that opportunity. 

Thanks to the office staff for the delicious desserts that were provided to teachers a couple of weeks ago. We hope you enjoyed a few moments of well-deserved peace and quiet. We have been intentional about providing opportunities such as these this year. We want you to know your hard work and dedication is appreciated! 

The case of the Iraqi money was an interesting one this week. Several teachers reported seeing currency strewn about near the blacktop of our school. Sure enough, we collected around 22,000 dinars (Iraqi currency). We worked with Mark Booth to establish that there was no threat to our school. It's not every day that you find money from Iraq with Saddam Hussein's picture on each bill. I guess it's been that kind of week. 

Ms. Marino's class celebrated Cinco de Mayo in style last week. Mr. Moore was invited, but could not make it so class representative Noah came to him and brought his sombrero with him. Ms. Marino and her faithful aids have done such an excellent job this year. They love on those kids even when it may be difficult to do so. Thanks for letting me be a part of your class this year! 

Thanks to Mrs. Fowler for hosting the Book Fair this late in the year. Our students always enjoy the Book Fair. Mrs. Fowler had help from several parent volunteers this year. A huge "thank you" to Mrs. Young who stayed past 5:00 P.M. to help take the Book Fair down in preparation for pick-up. 

How could you not take notice of the covered wagons making their way into the building the past few weeks? 4th grade students created covered wagons as part of their Westward Expansion unit. This is such a great way to make learning come to life. Great job, 4th grade team! 

Mrs. Garrett's class has for many weeks taken it upon themselves to clean up in the cafeteria after all classes have left. Their hard work and dedication to keeping the cafeteria clean and taking pride in their school was rewarded by the cafeteria staff with ice cream sundaes. Having spoken to many of you, it is evident our school needs to refocus our efforts on hallway and lunchroom behavior. We we tackle this next year!  

I heard a great deal of positive feedback about our final instructional technology meeting of the year. The #breakoutedu craze has reached PVES. I am proud to say my team didn't have the worst time, but we could not hold a candle to a certain team (see above). This is a wonderful idea for previewing and reviewing content. I was impressed to see our students participating in breakoutedu sessions the last few days! 

And boy were those students engaged. Our students are competitive and were learning to work together and under pressure to reach a goal. Sounds like learning to me! 

The Glitterators dominated the PVES "Battle of the Books" competition. They will move on the represent our school in the district competition on Thursday, May 26th. We expect them to bring the trophy back home where it belongs. It was amazing to watch the teams go back and forth. The event lasted over 2 hours and only a handful of questions were actually missed. We certainly have reason to be proud of all the students who participated. 

I had the pleasure of attending the final induction class of the year with these ladies. I am so impressed with this group. I shared with them in an email that I have high expectations for them going forward. I mean every word of this and look forward to observing how they will make us better. Way to go, ladies! #pvespride 

Bee Day:
On Monday, May 16th we will be joined by community members, district office staff, and news media as our third graders will be presenting discoveries from their PBL as part of "Bee Day". We are so proud of our students and just as proud of the third grade team for stepping out of their comfort zone to make learning "real world" through a PBL unit of study. Our goal for next year is that each grade level will complete at least one PBL. Please follow the schedule below on Monday and make sure your students bring a pencil!


Moore to Kallin
Fulbright to Jennings
Thompson to Ashmore
Barnhill to Wilcox
Wilkie to Lockaby
Hughes to Powell
Jordan to Putnam
Tate to Carey


Golden to Kallin
Odom to Jennings
Gibson to Ashmore
Wayne to Wilcox
Thomas to Lockaby
Melton to Powell
½ Garrett to Putnam
½ Garrett to Carey

iPad Collection:
Don't forget that iPad Collection Day will be held on Wednesday, May 18th for 5th grade and Thursday, May 19th for 3rd and 4th grades. We will send out a schedule early next week. You will bring your classes to Room 102 on this day to turn in iPads. Remember that iPads should remain at school beginning on Monday, May 16th next week. Go ahead and make sure you send notification home of any charges for lost or damaged items. Also, don't forget to help students complete the Google Form so we can remember passwords next year! Finally, please take note of the presentations that you will need to walk through with your class prior to collection. See below:
Field Day is scheduled for Friday, May 20th. Don't forget that Coach Thompson needs plenty of parent volunteers to make Field Day a success. Get the word out to parents. Coach shared the Field Day Bingo information with us this week. make sure you work on getting groups together who can work successfully as a team during the events. The schedule is listed below. 

  • 3rd grade will go out from 8:30-10:45
  • 4th grade will go out from 8:45-11
  • 5th grade will go out from 9-11:15
Also on May 20th, teachers are invited to a luncheon provided by our PTSO from 11:30-12:30. Parent volunteers will be in your classrooms to cover for you. We will release a schedule next week for lunch. Remember, your class will simply go through the lunch line and take trays back to the classroom to eat lunch there. We will broadcast a movie for all to watch as well. Classes should NOT go outside as we want our students well supervised during this event.

Yearbooks will be placed in your box on Thursday, May 19th in preparation for Yearbook Day to be held after the teacher luncheon on the 20th. Around 40 extra copies of the yearbook are on sale for $15 so get the word out to parents soon! Thanks to Mrs. Nix once again for creating, what I believe to be, the best yearbook in PVES history.

Moore's Musings:
  • On Monday, May 16th Concrete 2nd graders will be visiting our school from 8:30-10:00 A.M.
  • Our faculty meeting on Tuesday (5/17) next week will focus heavily on end of year information including, but not limited to, Awards Days, end-of-year checklists, supply lists, etc.
  • Some of our 5th grade Chorus students are singing the National Anthem at the Greenville Drive game on Monday, May 16th. I know Mrs. Turner is proud!
  • Thanks to the office staff for holding down the fort during testing. Those ladies do not get the credit they are due.
Mark Your Calendar (MYC)
Please view our shared calendar. If you do not check this daily, chances are you are going to miss something important. Thank you! 

Video of the Week: