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Ever feel this way? |
It appears as if the rain will not leave us be. I know this is frustrating because recess is impacted. I am a firm believer that students need a mental break from the academic side of things. Recess and lunch are important to students. Please make sure we at least provide an "inside recess" so students get that much needed break. I have been so proud of our teachers during Curriculum Nights. Parents have responded in a very positive way via the feedback they have shared. We will get the results of the feedback to you very soon. In the mean time, please enjoy an abbreviated version of the Powdersville Progress...
Kiss of Death:
Well, I postponed our Fire Drill on Wednesday due to wet and rainy conditions. Thirty minutes after I sent the email, the sun came out and we enjoyed a beautiful day. We have postponed the fire drill until next Wednesday, October 7th. I have heard some great ideas from teachers regarding our emergency drill procedures. We will monitor things closely and make changes as necessary. For related arts teachers, we will use our access to PowerSchool as well as the grade level binders of contact information we house in the office to provide you with contact information in the event of an emergency. There is no need to seek contact information from homeroom teachers. The safety and security of our students is obviously a huge priority so please make sure you have discussed various emergency procedures with your students. Review the ALiCE and fire drill procedures we have discussed and be ever prepared.
New Car Name Plates:
Our first day switching to student names in the car line was a success. We still have parents who are requesting that a copy of the new name plate be created. These are shared in the PVES teacher folder. We are asking that you, the homeroom teacher, print out any additional name plates for students in your class and send those home ASAP. It is imperative that we work hard to get everyone in our car line switched over from car rider numbers to student names. Thanks for your help with this!
AdvancED Committee Chairs:
A huge "thank you" to teacher leaders in our building for serving on district AdvancED committees and chairing our school committees. We will begin work at the school level this month. As I mentioned in our meeting on Monday, you will be assigned to a school committee. These will be announced soon. This is important work that must be accomplished so your time, attention, and hard work is appreciated! See our school committee chairs below:
Standard 1: Purpose and Direction
co - Deb Fowler and Kelley Golden
Standard 2: Governance and Leadership
Brenna Wilkie
Standard 3: Teaching and Assessing for Learning
co - Melissa Wilcox and Jena Putnam
Standard 4: Resources and Support Systems
co - Melissa Freeman and Tammy Lee
Standard 5: Use Results for Continuous Improvement
co - Brad Moore and Kelle Martin
Action Plan:
Jill Kallin
*Moore, Tollison, Lee will support each committee throughout the process.
*Tollison will work with Preisig to collect survey data.
Mrs. Kallin's "wobble stools" arrived this week. Congratulations again to her for getting her DonorsChoose project funded. Have you submitted one yet?
As I mentioned earlier, Curriculum Nights have been a hit. It was awesome to see parents and students learning and involved. Better yet was watching students presenting to parents. This is what it is all about...
Our Monday staff development went very well. I appreciate everyone for coming to school ready to learn and work. ELA teachers worked on SLOs and math teachers discussed using math time wisely, including developing math work stations. Guided math anyone? Thanks to Mrs. Martin and Mrs. Tollison for leading! And a huge "thank you" to Mrs. Fowler for setting us straight on the "flex" library schedule. I am excited about the future of our media center and the collaboration that will take place among our faculty as to how we can use our media center and media specialist to improve the product we offer our students. Collaborating, researching, etc. also address the Profile of a SC Graduate that should guide us educators as we plan, instruct, and assess.
While I am on the topic of our media center, let's not forget to mention our Book Fair. Please continue to advertise this in your email blasts, newsletters, websites, etc. Here is a quick before and after glimpse at the transformation our media ceenter undergoes during the Book Fair!
Before |
After |
Tammy Lee is making her way to every classroom to hype up our EAFK program. I observed her lesson on our first three "virtues" (respect, responsibility, and tolerance) and it is outstanding. Please do your best to incorporate the EAFK program in your classroom and be prepared to identify students who will recognized in our first knighting ceremony later this month. We also recognized our Citizens of the Month for September on Wednesday. We post their pictures on our website and on the bulletin board outside my office. We will share a video for you to show in your rooms very soon. Thanks for supporting these programs as it makes a huge impact when the teacher "buys in" and works to positively recognize students who show great citizenship.
And a special thanks to our PTSO. They are truly working hard for our school and we need to remember to tell them how much we appreciate them every chance we get. And a huge "thank you" for this...
Moore's Musings:
- iPads should be sent home beginning on Monday, October 5th with all students who have paid the protection plan of $29.00. You should be using the "My Homework" app to communicate assignments with parents. I have been so impressed with the communication we pour out on our school community. Many of you use Remind, websites, blogs, and much more!
- MAP Testing continues and we hope to finish in the next few weeks. Make sure you can log in to Enrich and the NWEA website to access test scores. You will need this to access data for SLOs as well as when you make instructional decisions for your students.
- A reminder that ACT Aspire and PASS scores will be sent home on Friday, October 9th. Mrs. Lee and I will meet with teachers for the first 15 minutes of your planning on Thursday, October 8th to discuss the score reports that will be sent home. We want you to be able to tackle questions that may come from parents. We will make this as quick and painless as possible, but we need to meet.
- Our EAFK joust to kick off the program is scheduled for the morning of Friday, October 9th. The plan for now is to call classes outside for the event beginning around 9:45 A.M. for the event to begin at 10:00 A.M. We plan to use the space outside next to the middle school bus circle. The event should last about 45 minutes or so giving third grade time to get to lunch on time. Please talk to your students about being a good and respectful audience.
- Our ALiCE drill is scheduled for Friday, October 9th in the afternoon. We will send a letter home to parents soon about this event.
Mark Your Calendar (MYC):
- 5th Grade Curriculum Night - Thursday, October 1st.
- Math teachers meet during planning for SLOs - Monday, October 5th in PD Room.
- Final Day of Book Fair - Tuesday, October 6th.
- Technology PD with Mrs. Preisig during planning in PD Room - Tuesday, October 6th.
- Fire Drill - Wednesday, October 7th at 1:20ish.
- ACT Aspire Score Report training during planning in PD Room - Thursday, October 8th.
- EAFK Joust - 10-10:45 A.M. - Friday, October 9th
- ALiCE Drill - Afternoon on Friday, October 9th.
- Next faculty meeting - Tuesday, October 13th.
Next week's calendar is crazy busy. Thank you for remembering to be present and on time where you are expected. And for that, Friday is definitely a blue jean day. We appreciate you!